Saturday, May 15, 2010


This was a big risk to take. Maddie has proven that she has seasonal allergies also. The day before this photo was taken, her poor little eyes were so swollen and her nose was running like a faucet. Luckily we got in and out of the orchard in record time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Must-haves, Issue 3

You must "buzz" on over to my neighbor and friend's boutique this week for some creative inspiration...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Must-haves, Issue 2

Buy this now. Don't even ask why. You can thank me later :)

And, why not, it's on sale at Amazon for $60. I would have paid much more. As a matter of fact, I did. Am I sorry? No, it's been the best 4 months of my life. If only I knew about it while I was scrubbing floors barefoot and pregnant!

Recipe of the week....
I liked them. My husband and kids turned up their noses. Melissa...send Em over for a yummy snack, left over Parmesan Kale Chips. Why can't my kids (and husband) just like "healthy hippie food?" My life would be so much easier;)

Here are the 3 little monkeys on a lazy Sunday afternoon. They would barely stop wiggling for 2 seconds to get in a shot or two.