Thursday, December 6, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

I must be super virtuous after waiting for Trader Joe's to come to Utah for over FIVE years.  Here are some of my favs (among others) that I have been importing and now can purchase within my own state lines!!! My husband gave me a $22 dollar budget. Ha! I only exceeded it a little (by about $100.) Budget, smudget. The good news is that our pantry is fully stocked (as well as our bellies.)

Thanks Trader Joe's for making my life as a "label reader" just a little bit easier and humoring my endless location request emails. (And, just for the record, I realize that some of these labels may not be virtuous. Maybe they are just the lesser of the evils.)

1 comment:

lorelie said...

Yay! Trader Joe's is finally there! I am beyond happy for you. Wish it was here, too. Hey...we have the same clock, by the way!!!