Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feliz Navidad to Me!

In a very, very rare moment, I get a lunch date when I'm working (at a restaurant.) Although this was a solo lunch date, I enjoyed the eats no less. I did eat in the car since my lunch break was not long enough to be served.

Most importantly, I chose Red Iguana. Where's your favorite lunch spot? What do you usually eat for lunch?


Amberlee said...

So funny you ask because I recently was taught (by you Courtney) to make wraps for kid lunches. So working from home I now enjoy wraps A LOT, Cucumber, carrot a green onion and cream cheese all in a wheat wrap. I HeArT ondions! Thanks for the tip.

Sydney said...

I usually eat dinner leftovers for lunch. Especially now with the cold and busy holiday season, I have a ready made lunch waiting for me. BUT, ever so often, i do take myself out to lunch. I hit the little Dexter, Lighthouse Cafe for a nice green salad with smoked chicken slices. I do love Mexican Food. Do you know of a good place for Mexican food around here? Do tell...